The idea of young women having a strong foundation before they launch into the world is great... in theory. 

But, WHAT is this foundation made of and HOW do you actually build it?

And, more importantly,

How do you build it for YOUR daughter, YOUR student, YOUR niece, YOUR granddaughter, YOUR athlete etc. 

She is a unique creation who requires a unique foundation

to support, guide and nurture her now and future success.  

And YOU are the architect of the beginning of her story.  

Where do you start?

(Keep reading, I've got you...)

I am a wife, mom of 4 daughters trying to love and lead them to their best self just like you.  I am also an adventurer, eternal organizer, lifetime student, former worth chaser and trauma survivor.

In my professional life I am an author, speaker and family life & leadership coach with an extensive background of helping parents and other leaders of the next generation of young women navigate through the good, great, hard and sticky parts of childhood to the greatest and strongest beginning of their adulthood.

Childhood, tween and teen years can be awkward and sometimes an uneasy balance of building them and releasing them at the same time so they can launch into the world. And, to make things a little more quirky and challenging, every child is unique, which means parenting them will be too. 

If you are like most parents, you may have played with questions like these before...

• How can I connect and grow in joy with my daughter again?

• How can I speak in a way that she doesn't take everything as an invitation for an argument?

• How can I know that she is safe and can face and overcome obstacles without crumbling?

• How do I know her faith and beliefs are strong enough to lean on and be a compass in her life?

• How can I know she will be a respectful human out in the world?

• How can I know she will be confident and not fall into the traps of chasing worth?

• How do I know my girl has learned how to connect with others and even know and trust herself?

• How will she make decisions?

These questions, and so many others, are all normal thoughts and concerns as you are

raising up future generations! 


 There are so many hurdles, distractions, information overloaded media outlets and obstacles out there that becoming lost and overwhelmed seems inescapable.

 But there is a way to stop wondering and start KNOWING the answers to many of these mind bending, middle of the night, anxiety triggering questions and it is more simple than you think.

You just need the blueprint! 

Join Nellie's email community to receive weekly foundation teachings, bonus downloads and have first access to new resources!

Become a part of the 6570 Tribe!

Her life is most shaped in the first ~6570 days she shares with you.

How much time do you have left?

Every day counts when you are building her life foundation with her










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